মতামত ও পরামর্শ

  1. ভাই
    Chanel ” i “এর একজন বড় আলেম বলল জীবনে একবার আল্লাহর রাস্তায় বের হতে হবে।তাহলে আমি এখন কোন পথে আছি শয়তানের পথে?অথচ আমি নামায পড়ছি,সত্য কথা বলছি আর যতদুর পারি মানুষকে ইসলামের দাওয়াত দিচ্ছি।

  2. islam k janar jonno ei siteta koob ekta valo site. aro anek kisu janar jonno ami chibo sobai ei site ta basi basi brows O doa koruk. apnader k donnobad erokm site open koror jonno

  3. this site giving a clear view on Islam. hare we can share our thoughts and idea.
    their is some common confusion in our mind hare we can share them and make our Believe
    strong in Islam . thank you Unity Of Muslim Ummah- team for making this site.

  4. islam nie janar jonno khub e valo ekti site.

  5. This website as primary stage is good ehough. Some error are ignorable. But main theme of this website is great for our miss guided muslim ummah and those people who are not on Islam. Literate and learned people who can judge the righ way of life, they should read this site and think which is right and wrong. Please find the right way and try to achive peace of life. At last we should all help this site and suggest the mistakes of this site to make it perfect. Insha Allah we will be on right way of life and find the peace of Islam.

  6. vai apnara valo valo boi upload koren apnader site khub valo.

  7. আসসালামু অলাইকুম
    ভাইয়েরা এইবার ভাল হইছে Comments করতে দেওয়ার জন্য q(^_^)p

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